Vishnu Mantra

Vishnu Mantra

Lord Vishnu stands as one of the most formidable deities within Hinduism, sharing an equal role in the creation of the universe. He forms an integral part of the Holy Trinity of Hinduism, alongside Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma. In order to safeguard the world from malevolence and establish righteousness (dharma), Lord Vishnu incarnated in ten distinct forms during various eras, collectively known as the dashavatar. Each of these ten forms is revered as sacred and potent, with unique modes of worship. The Vishnu Mantra is employed to pay homage to Lord Vishnu, the cosmic creator and maintainer of the universe. Just as Lord Brahma is recognized as the universe’s progenitor and Lord Shiva as its destroyer, Lord Vishnu is its sustainer. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, is his consort. He reclines upon the serpent, Sheshnag, in the Kshir Sagar. Chanting Lord Vishnu’s mantra elevates the practitioner’s consciousness and self-awareness, enabling them to attain prosperity and success.

The Vishnu mantra is as follows:

शांताकरम् भुजगा सयानं पद्म नभं सुरेशम् विशवध्दधर्मम्

गगन सद्ऋषम् मेघा वर्णं शुबंगमलक्ष्मी कान्तम् कमला नयनम

योगी ह्रीद ध्यानं गम्यमवंदे विष्णुं भव भया हरा सर्व लोकैका ||

Shantakaram Bhujaga Sayanam Padma Nabham Suresham Vishvadharam

Gagana Sadrisham Megha Varnam Shubangam Lakshmi Kantam Kamala Nayanam

Yogi Hrid Dhyana Gamyam Vande Vishnum Bhava Bhaya Haram Sarva Lokaika Natham

Meaning – ‘I praise Lord Vishnu, who is the Lord of all worlds and the remover of worldly fears. Lord Vishnu is portrayed in a tranquil reclining form, resting on a serpent, with a lotus emerging from his navel. He is the foundation of the universe, resembling the vast skies, adorned with a complexion akin to the radiant clouds. He attracts Goddess Lakshmi and is constantly meditated upon by yogis in deep contemplation.’

Benefits of chanting the Vishnu mantra: Devotionally chanting the Vishnu mantra enhances endurance and self-confidence, facilitating the attainment of goals with ease. The Vishnu mantra purges the mind of negative thoughts, confusion, and weaknesses, while cleansing the soul of negative energies. Lord Vishnu’s mantra dispels ill intentions and the effects of malevolent spells, offering tranquility to the practitioner’s mind and home.

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